GlobalAlat is a terrific news platform just like any other news platform around. We are unique because we pay you to read, comment and share our news. Unlike other news media were you read and read and have nothing to show for it. GlobalAlat remain the best legitimate paying news Globally
How Much Can I Make on GlobalAlat?
You can make as much as you want. You only need dedication !!!
A little drop of water makes a mighty ocean.
Immediately you join GlobalAlat you have an opportunity to earn Gaps. Gaps are GlobalAlat coins. They can be redeemed for airtime, cash, products and services. See available earnings opportunities for members
Registration is FREE
GlobalAlat pays you ₦1,000 Gaps for registering on our site
GlobalAlat pays you ₦50 Gaps for daily log in
GlobalAlat pays you ₦10 Gaps for reading and commenting on news
GlobalAlat pays you ₦200 Gaps for publishing a news
GlobalAlat pays you ₦100 Gaps for News Share
GlobalAlat pays you ₦100 Gaps for Ads Share
GlobalAlat pays you ₦50 Cash for inviting someone. Some members earn up to ₦1,000 in a day by inviting people.
GlobalAlat pays you up to ₦30,000 cash weekly In Gaps Market Place
GlobalAlat pays users ₦100,000 cash for Global challenge day. Where a lot of members are rewarded with ₦5,000 cash each for remaining loyal reading our news
All this can be yours for FREE