I am in tears right now!
“And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.” – Isaiah 60:3.
This is exactly what happened at the National Leadership Conference by @gotnileadershipcentre in Abuja last week.
Prestigious men and women of great calibre gathered to listen to me speak.
This is a boy who learnt how to spell the word ‘The’ in JSS1.
This is a boy who couldn’t pay school fees at OOU.
This is a boy who wrote 100 cover letters stating, “Do not pay me for 6 months until I prove my worth”, submitted it at different companies, yet not one company called him to give him a job.
This is a boy who was mocked because he was entering ‘molue’.
This is a boy who was rejected, and 15 years later, those who rejected him are seeking him to do business with him.
Today, kings are looking for me.
I have one word for you, keep building. Add worth to your name because people are watching you, and one day, kings will gather to celebrate you.
Have you signed up for the real estate investment masterclass happening on Saturday, 8th July, at Eko Hotels yet? If you snooze, you’ll lose.
Click the link www.stephenakintayo.com/rim to sign up now.
I love you,
Dr. Stephen Akintayo.
When your path is graced.
It is well
It’s well
It is well
Is well
It’s well
When you are destined for greatness
God is good 💯
God is good all the time
God time is the best
All is well
The words of God are solid rock to those who believe.
God makes the difference
Everything is possible with God
Yes it’s cool
Beautiful one
You can become what you decide
Embrace it
Believe it
Fly higher
If only you believe
See it
God is God
We are the light of the world
It is well